Adrenaline Injection, 1:10,000


Adrenaline injections are only used
in medical emergencies. They are not
used as regular treatment.

SKU: ADRENAIN2 Category:


Adrenaline is a chemical which is
produced naturally by our bodies. It
helps to regulate most of the
important functions such as heart
rate, blood pressure and breathing.
When we have a fright or have to
fight or run, extra adrenaline is
released into our blood. As this
adrenaline circulates round the body
it makes our heart beat faster, helps
us to get more air into our lungs and
increases the blood supply to the
muscles. This helps us to cope with
emergencies and is why we often get
palpitations when we are frightened.
Adrenaline injections are used to
treat some emergency situations
which can occur in the heart and
lungs. It can only be given by
injection and it acts very quickly.