
Edmark MRT Complex

Original price was: ₵700.00.Current price is: ₵650.00.

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Edmark MRT Complex or Meal Replacement Therapy is a program to replace your normal meal with a delicious, low calorie and highly soluble nutritional drink. It has the complete vitamins, proteins, and energy-releasing amino acids that can help reduce weight safely, fast and effectively while avoiding the hunger pangs often associated with dieting. This is a program that is designed for people who wish to embark on a safe and long-term weight loss and maintenance program.
Edmark MRT Complex is available. Call us at 0245885280, 0201364957,

How Does Edmark MRT Complex Work?
As a result of the controlled level of carbohydrates taken over a few days, the body will experience a shortage of glucose, the most desirable fuel in the body. Our body will begin to turn to glycogen store for energy. Once these stores deplete, it will start to seek alternative fuel. Edmark MRT Complex contains moderate carbohydrates and protein; it helps protect lean muscle from being metabolized into energy. Our body will then turn to a fat store for emergency supplies and convert these fats to free fatty acids (which are smaller fat molecules). Our liver will then convert them to ketones. This is effectively known as the mild ketosis stage. Ketones are a normal and efficient source of fuel and energy for the human body. Ketosis tends to accelerate fat loss — once the liver converts fat to ketones, it cannot be converted back to fat, and so it is excreted.

Characteristics of MRT Complex:

Organic formulationNatural ingredients, good tasteLow CalorieEach sachet of MRT Complex contains only 83 Kcal

Balanced Nutrition
Each sachet of MRT Complex contains nutrients needed by our body every day. Hence it promotes normal metabolism to build a healthy body and regulates our physiological functions
Superior quality legume protein
MRT Complex contains superior quality legume protein that is easily digested and absorbed by our body, helps to lose excessive fat but not muscle.